Ronisia barbara  (Linnaeus, 1758)
Taxonomical Classification:  Animalia / Arthropoda / Insecta / Hymenoptera / Vespoidea
Wild Spider Ant     Maltese name not known
Further Information:
The species is of 8 to 22 mm long and are relatively large compared to other European wasps ants.Their colour is also variable, but usually in black and silver-white patterns. The female had its thorax (and sometimes its head) a reddish brown colour, although some specimens may lack this colour. The first two abdominal segments each carry three arranged in transverse rows of white spots gray hair. Males have a black thorax and the abdomen either have the same coloring as the females, or continuous transverse bands.

The Wild spider ant are distributed in the Mediterranean, sometimes extending north up to Hungary. The species lives in open, sandy or rocky habitats and in Malta they appear from May to October, sometimes persisting till December. They are parasites in the nests of bees of the genus Megachile and Anthophora.

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